Hope you had a lovely holiday season with loved ones and Happy New Year!
We're pivoting to a new software for 2025! My software developer has been completely MIA to keep my app developer account current. Since I do not have access to fix this, our old app is not working. It's been a process getting everything updated, so I thank you for your patience!
I am still getting familiar with the new system, but all is up and running!
The new app includes more features, so I am confident it's all for the best!
As we continue to get used to the new system, don't hesitate to send any feedback. For your login, please email me at laridings29@gmail.com.
As always, continue to focus on real, whole foods, boosting immunity during the cold/flu season, getting rest, staying hydrated, spending time with those who bring out the very best in you, and above all else, doing what makes you happy.
In Good Health,