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Raw Coconut Meat Tacos

Raw Coconut Meat  Tacos

These are perfect anytime of the year, but especially now that it's warming up! No need to heat up the kitchen by cooking dinner. Reach for these instead!

These raw coconut meat tacos are inspired by a life-changing restaurant in Miami called Plant Food and Wine. Not nearly as pretty as their beautiful masterpieces there, but I must say, this tastes pretty darn close to theirs. If you ask my husband, he claims these are better. He's funny.

The cashew sauce is what made them at the restaurant, and the cashew sauce is what makes these too in my opinion. My husband thinks just all the fresh ingredients make them. He's good. The sauce is from Gabby's site, which I linked above. She's awesome, you should follow her on Instagram if you're not already!

Grab a fresh thai coconut. Don't know how to open one or scoop out the meat? Get this contraption to help you. Drink it, then scoop out the meat. Place in a covered bowl in the fridge for these tacos if you're having them later, otherwise set it aside while you get everything else ready.

You will need:

1-2 heads of romaine lettuce

1 orange pepper

1 fresh thai coconut

2 radishes

ground pepper

7 cherry tomatoes


Wash all ingredients. Slice the orange peppers (on the thin side), slice the radishes, and half the tomatoes. Chop cilantro.

Plate: Lay the romaine leaves as flat as you can on a platter. Wipe the cashew sauce over the leaves. Be generous with it, it's so good. Lay the coconut meat, tomatoes, orange peppers, radishes, and a bit of ground pepper. Add as much cilantro as you like for taste and presentation.

Add anything else you might like and enjoy!

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