Love this Simple Side and you can add whatever you really want to the broccolini, but here are a couple versions of my favorite additions. Pick and choose which additions you want to add, or if you want, add them all!
You will need:
1-2 bundles broccolini
1-2 c mushrooms (more or less if you want)
2 tsp coconut oil
handful of cashews
handful of pine nuts
1 red pepper
1 yellow pepper
handful of grape tomatoes
Cast-iron prep: heat cast-iron on medium heat: add 2 tsp coconut oil to a warmed cast-iron pan. When it's warm, but not smoking hot, add the washed and chopped mushrooms, cashews and pine nuts. Your kitchen smells awesome now ;)
Steam your broccolini in a pot until bright green (should be about 4-6 minutes) Place steamed broccolini on plate. Add your cashews, pine nuts and mushrooms on top. Slice your grape tomatoes and place on top. Sprinkle a dash of Celtic salt on top and devour!
Here's another version of prep with a saute pan:
Heat your saute pan on medium with 2 tsp coconut oil. Wash and chop your mushrooms and peppers, and saute for around 5 minutes. Add the broccolini and cover with a lid for the next 5 minutes. Plate it, sprinkle a dash of Celtic salt over the top and dig in!